'' AIR MATA adalah salah satu cara untuk mengekspresikan kegembiraan, kegagalan, cinta, kesepian, penderitaan dan kebahagian.''

Saturday 31 December 2011

wishing for a better 2012 (✿◠‿◠) 
i want to be happy ...enjoy my life as Allah slave, as daughter, as student .. 
ok! list to fullfil this year ,
- buy my 1st smartphone!! hee..
n for sure la..
- waiting for the comeback of THSK ~ AKTF!
and this is must every year,
- Waiting for Allah call..  only He know how much i want go for umrah and perform hajj soon!~ Insyaallah 
Goodbye 2011~ welcome 2012~


Friday 30 December 2011

always keep the faith。♡

#It’s a Cassie thing.
"hold onto that little hope no matter how fragile it might be because cassiopeia will always exist as long as there is someone who will call themselves a cassie."

Thank you for all these precious years. I will treasure them forever and I’m looking forward to seeing more of you five in the future. I will keep the faith.

#bang my head to the wall..omg sun!!
what i/m doin?!  back to old habit.. haish @__@ 

Monday 26 December 2011

Pertandingan Video Osem APG '11: Best Friend Till Jannah

This video is awesome~!! wanna shared this with my Sweet Bishoujo <3!! 

"Dan perumpamaan teman yang baik, ibarat seorang penjual minyak wangi. Kalaupun dia tidak memberikan minyak wanginya, setidaknya kita mendapatkan aromanya yang semerbak. Sementara perumpamaan teman yang jahat, tak ubahnya seperti tukang besi. Kalaupun kita tidak terkena asap hitamnya, setidaknya kita akan mencium bau busuk dari tungkunya."
Diriwayatkan oleh Abu Dawud dalam kitab Al-Adab.

May our friendship lead us to Jannah~!! Insya'allah..

Saturday 24 December 2011


The other side of me..im CASSIOPEIA~!!
TVXQ are my musics...
Officially it's 3 years for me...
Always keep the faith (✿◠‿◠)

The Sunnah of Love


Masya'allah..beautiful article by Yahya Ibrahim. 
really enjoyed reading this..

That is the Sunnah of Love.  You look after the near, even if it may inconvenience the far.
You would have heard that the Prophet ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam mended his own shoes at times. What you may not have heard was how once as he was sitting in a room with ‘Aisha raḍyAllāhu ‘anha fixing his shoes, ‘Aisha happened to look to his blessed forehead and noticed that there were beads of sweat on it. Mesmerized by the majesty of that sight she remained transfixed staring at him long enough for him to notice.
The Prophet ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “What’s the matter?” She replied, “If Abu Bukair Al-Huthali, the poet, saw you, he would know that his poem was written for you.” The Prophet ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam asked, “What did he say?” She replied,
“Abu Bukair said that if you looked to the majesty of the moon, it twinkles and lights up the world for everybody to see.”
So the Prophet ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam got up, walked to Aisha, kissed her between the eyes, and said,
Wallahi ya Aisha, you are like that to me and more.”

Sunday 20 November 2011

Nasib Badan

Assalamualaikum, salam Isnin...
Apalah nasib badan hari ni..
kelas jam 10 am terlewat pula 15 min....alamatnya kena kuncila..
yang aku heran tak pernah2 pula ust nak kunci pintu...mungkin mood tak baik kot~

oklah tak masuk kelas tutorial undang2 keluarga islam satu hal..terus pergi kelas bhs arab dengan semangatnya..TIBA2???! kelas batal pulak..haish penat ja datang..huu

ok masa balik terus pergi cafe..TIBA2???!! jam putus pulak dahh sekali dengan henset2 aku jatuh berderai atas lantai,
adess!! jam kesayangan ku, import dari jauh tu...huhu

dah sampai cafe nak beli makanan...TIBA2??! grr~ mana purse ni??
tak bawa rupanya...
Masyaallah~ nasib lah jumpa cik bingkisan cintaku ..pinjam duit! tq eh ^___^ nanti saya bayar ye.

Apa pun hidup perlu diteruskan FIGHTING ne!!

Jangan jadi perigi buta

Jangan jadi perigi buta.Sudahla buta, kontang lagi.

A: 'tapi aku tak boleh hidup sorang mcm ni'!!
B: 'mmglah tak boleh selagi kau tak bergantung pada yg tak mati'!
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